Chacha Frederica Actress From Indonesia


* Kuntilanak
* Singles
* Kuntilanak 2
* Forever
* Virgin Village
* Hurry Kiss Gue
* Pocong


* Sharp
* Morin
* Hexos
* Komix
* Miwon
* Sunsilk
* Sprite
* Eskulin
* Ovale
* Bodrex

Koleksi Photo Chacha Frederica

This is photo collection women actress from Indonesia. Chacha Frederica is famous new cellebrities that so young. She has beautiful face and sexy body. Many soap opera wich she starting. She also much fans. Here is photo collection of Chacha Frederica :

koleksi photo chacha frederica

with sweet smile

chacha with long hair

Chacha Frederica Bios

Full Name: Wynne Frederica
Nickname: Chacha Frederica
TTL: Jakarta, 8 November 1989
Zodiac: Scorpio
Hobbies: Reading, looking for friends
Father Name: Doddy
Mother's name: Hera
Child to: 3 of 3 brothers
Favourite Genre: R & B, easylistening, jazz
Last Education: Higher Education Switzerland-Germany Univerity (SGU) in the Department of Bussiness Administration BSD Tangerang.

chacha frederica bios

Profile Chacha Frederica

Chacha Frederica, a girl born in Jakarta, 8 November 1989 This is an Indonesian soap opera players. No responsibility - responsibility soap operas that have played less than 27 titles already a soap opera. Can not imagine how many young artists the income from this one. Not just any playing soap operas chacha often play in big screen movies including Kuntilanak, "Singles", "Kuntilanak 2", "Forever", "Virgin Village", and many more.

Chacha Frederica Career

Chacha Frederica career in entertainment started from Morin Butter ad. Simply through the ad opened with a career chacha inclusion in the casting soap opera by the party that eventually SinemArt chacha even get named Desy antagonistic role in the soap opera "The Story of Sad on Sunday." Bids flowed in self-chacha, starred in several soap operas too often after the "Sad Story of the Day Sunday", but it does not necessarily make a rebound in the entertainment world chacha this. His name began to be known by the public when a girl with a Scorpio zodiac is starring in soap opera "Pendant".

chacha frederica career

Beautiful Chacha Frederica

Popularity was found after that. Soap operas, commercials, feature films are even portrayed by these long-haired girl. Some movie titles ever in bintanginya ie, "Singles", "Kuntilanak 2", "Forever", "Virgin Village", and many more.

Although already famous, chacha schools also remain the number one priority. Chacha therefore any hitch goal was to become a doctor someday skin specialist.

beautiful chacha frederica

Photo Sexy Chacha Frederica

Actress whose real name is Wynne Frederica has starred in dozens of soap operas, and popular with the roles antagonisnya. In addition to also be advertising stars, including Sharp products, Morin, Hexos, worried about Miwon Komix and seasonings.

Starring famous soap opera that has been a student of Swiss-Germany Univerity (SGU) in BSD Tangerang is majoring in Bussiness Administration, in anataranya pendant 2, Prince Seducer, Wulan, Wizard of Love.

photo sexy chacha frederica

Women Actress from Indonesia

After the soap opera 'Sad Story of the Day Sunday', Chacha,? As soon as he was greeted, again got an offer to play? Soap opera. Unfortunately, despite playing in a few? Soap opera, but the public has not been too ngeh will the figures. ? However, it does not necessarily make desperately Chacha. ? Evidently, the success of soap operas 'Pendant' helped boost? Its popularity. His acting is okay as a mother? Forcibly separated from their children start stealing? Attention of the public. ?

Though claimed to have music as a profession in which he lived? Now, but the school remains a top priority for? Youngest of three siblings. Moreover, the mama? Beloved had been warned from the beginning that Chacha? Not abandon school. Although want to continue to exist? In the world of entertainment, but also harbored a desire Chacha? No less noble. Wynne Frederica owner's full name is? Want to be a dermatologist.?

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